Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Pizza Stained Shirt

Today I could not be more grateful for the sight of a pizza stained shirt. Our heater went out last night. We have plastic taped over the windows, blankets blocking the draft coming in under the doors. We put a small heating pad on the baby and the small child recieved a second set of pj's and another large blanket on his bed. We crawled into bed and snuggled for about half the night. At that point we both woke up to the baby fussing, wanting to eat. She was pulled into bed with us and we checked on our little boy. He was cold too. All four of us spent the night in our queen sized bed. When we woke up it was 56 degrees F inside. We put a call in to our property management compay, and then began to wait. and wait. and wait. FINALLY at 4:30 pm a man with a very large pizza stain knocks on my door.
He's here to fix the furnace!!!!

I lead the way to the furnace for the good/bad news. The good - the heater is still working. The bad - it may not last through the night. The good - the part that needs replacing is very easily accessable. The bad - that same part won't get here for another 2-3 days. The good - we have AMAZING neighbors that let us borrow some space heaters just in case.

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